Have you listen to Adele's Rolling in The Deep? gorgeous!. this one is waaaaaay lively than my last favourite from her. Click on the first link to download the song. and to h**l with MCMC intention to shut us from the generous websites linking to freebies. this is an example of the amazing talent we'll be missing with no Youtube around. yup, Mike Tompkins beatboxing Adele's Rolling in the Deep. Amazing.. amazing.

Mike Tompkins, heavy boxbeater
and to MCMC, you know, you're rolling in deeps**t, if the hackers pay homage to our domain.
my bad, Youtube was not listed in the blocked (banned?) sites. click to this link to get the story straight, Keong. be warned, he writes in haste and in anger. get the cream, leave the rants.
I seriously liked Adele's "make you feel my love" much better... senior citizen ya hamba for liking that genre :) so kill me :P
muahahha.. me oso lebih suka "make you feel my love". tp, tis one, lebih rancak, bagus kena dengar awal pagi yang malas2. muahhahahah...
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