Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MOVIE: Rabbit Hole

no? i want to talk book first, then movie.

in this post, i mentioned that i have problem reading autobiography. (please take note of the prefix used). i have more to confess: i dont read horror story nor voluntarily watch any horror movie. and that, not because i'm penakut. i just dont like it. (like prefering vanilla over chocolate icecream)

but, like, in every rules i made up for myself, i make exceptions. i did read Stoker's Dracula (mostly because i thought, its pretty important to know the history of that famous Count, and it's a good read). and ya, i make exceptions for all King's works (i ended up giving away most of my copies to people who enjoy the books much more than i did) i keep some; books by him but totally not him, like, the girl who loved Tom Gordon and Rose Madder (o..ok..the last one look likes his work),and my all time favourite, The Talisman.

in The Talisman, King and Straub coined the idea of parallel worlds, a possibility so alluring and plausible to me. i cried hard over Nicole Kidman's performance in Rabbit Hole, a movie so disturbing i choked on my roselle drink (ya, i concoted my own drink from that lovely calyx and its good) then spilled it over my lovely ironwood table, dribbled on my shirt and leave an ugly stain. O Hole! and the idea of parallel world? ooooo.. so comforting.

no musing last monday, the lord of internet (or rather, his humble modem and the serf at STREAMYX) didnt allow me to make any...ya, some broadband kelajuan tinggi.... I got that.


ppong said...

oo..apa tu? belum pernah tgk. itu buku bla bla tom gordon, i like. bikin sia tepikir, if i got lost in the wood, am I gonna be slim? hurmm (ini org desperately mau kurus!)

Night said...

really solute and admire korang yg reading books..that makes u all jadi bijaksana.. this year must force myself to read at least a book...haha
Pong, sure u will tambah kg if u lost in the wood sebab bnyk kijang, bakas,monyet,burung yg ko akan makan..sihat ko dalam hutan tu pong..hehe

bloggari said...

I also often read fiction books, I'm not much into horror or autobiography books. Sometimes I also read autobiography books or other books I usually don't read. Mostt fiction books (now i mean like girlish books from adele parks and dorothy koomson, not SCIENCE fiction :D). If you like some type of books, then read those :) A good book is always a good thing, it's not fun to read a crappy book that you don't like to read, because it is for example boring :/

kukuanga said...

on why i like bla bla Tom Gordon. simply because she rooted for The Red Sox, the only baseball team i knew.

mungkin tidak juga jadi 'bijaksana' la. reading broaden your perspective. in life, its good to have broad spectrum of perspectives. buat kita lebih appreciate kelebihan dan kekurangan diri dan orang disekitar. mungkin bagus juga try reading kan? its quite addictive tau.

thanks for dropping by.

kayau said...

popong, mgkn klu lost dalam hutan akan jadi awet muda, slim dan suara merdu sbb makan tumbuhan-tumbuhan ubat nanti jadi mcm cerita puteri tangkuban perahu pula..
tugou, itu tv yg di rmh mau jual tu kan supaya tiada yg mau tgk dan akan jadi ulat buku lepas tu ;p

kukuanga said...

positif betul oo kau sama si nite pasal keupayaan survival si popong. kalau dia sesat dalam hutan, mimang dia akan kena jumpa kurang dari 24j, sebab dia tidak akan pigi mana2 tu. dia akan duduk dan teriak2/ pasang api. banyak adik beradik dia akan cari. (btw, dia tidak mungkin akan sesat dalam hutan, dia malas p hutan)

and she's hard to miss. basar kan badan dia?

hahaha.. keep the tv. kesian kena jual.

ppong said...

juvi: kahkah!! janganlah mengingatkan pasal cerita yg sungguh disturbing itu. heheh
pare nite: kihkih, well after all these years, mimang u know me pare. hey, jom p jog sama, kan kita akan kerja berjiranan. kita p naik bukit, mau? (kihkih, lari dair tajuk entry)

bloggari said...

Ohhh, oh my gosh, of course I meant BONSAI tree, not bamboo =DD haha, I was so excited writing and showing my nice pictures... My mistake, sorry :) Thank you for correcting me!
Do you like to comment on my blog? Or do you think it is disturbing when I comment on your every post? hehe, just wondering..