Thursday, March 1, 2012

To The Girl i Love

Gessen (All The Sad Young Literary Men) makes me grin. oooo.. p(eeeeee)lease. its actually a heartbreaking story of 3 ambitious men (as pointed in the book title). if i'm grinning, its because i have this newly developed morbid sense of humour. how else we fight the cruelty of fate? but, to laugh at it's most heartbreaking attempt to break our hearts?

heartbreaks? (most likely, it felt something like a hollow/ black hole in your core, something went missing and irreplaceable no matter how we try to replace/recover). the pain is usually constant and never go away no matter how we try to forget. people say, time heals (ooo yeah, in a million years, sure). but truth to be said, no, over time, we get used to the pain, time doesn't heal nor diminish it. for a person with morbid sense of humour, we pad the thumping of pain by laughing at it.

i guess, Neil McCormick did it best in Killing Bono. OMG! if i were him, i'd kill Bono too. ten times over!

and because i'm a huge fan of Australia's McLeod's daughters series, i'd recommend to listen to Lavelle's The Man i Loved and Time Turn over. that's it, to amplify the pain. (not really recommended for those with high tendency to suicide).

this is a very public personal note to someone i knew in pain and most probably will try something really stupid. you know i'll never lend my shoulder to cry on/ join in crying over the matter (in a jointly crying session, pergh!). you're unlucky to have someone like me, both of us knew that from the set. but, i do pain for you, and its a constant pain. never to go away. i just hope, years from now, we'll look at this moment and remember it the McCormick way. or absurdly the Gessen way.

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