I blogged sometimes ago about Max, our choir director. His bestfriend is Kiko (bukan nama sebenar), and I like this guy tremendously. He is quiet, shy, amazing musician, devout Christian and very good looking guy and he's orang Ranau. Perfect for my sister. (what?!). nah… itulah tanda-tanda orang menjadi semakin tua. Berabisan kasi match orang. Wah! So the aunty-aunty me!. But, he’s taken. No surprise there.
This is the sister I’d like to introduce him. Lyrice (pronounce: Lai – ris (latin))@ Kiris. matila dia maradang sama saya, if she knew what i almost did.
Me and our youngest sister, Lisa
me and Lisa
Us, girls: Kukuanga, Popong, Lyrice and Lisa. No, please don’t be tempted to click on popong’s link. She rarely updates her blog. Make me wonder, what’s her point of having one?
us, girls
p/s: jen, please check Land before time I and II (good for our superstar pujaan). Our second song for the choir is the soundtrack for Land before Time I “if we hold on together”. MAX! thanks for the amazing song selection and thanks for sharing what moved you to pick the song. (mari kasi kalah tu pondan-pondan <--- astaga! prejudisnya!)
Sumandak-sumandak ranau tawala :)
knp ko makin KURUS sama cantik togou (mmg ko selalu cantek tapi ko tidak selalu kurus ahahah...i tot ur sister's name is chris..and u all saja panggil dia kiris..hehe...
ya i have land before time dulu..kena cari..!
kayau, alawa ka? muahahahah
jen, cantek ka? muahahahah.
LYRICE bah nama dia tu. si Kiris.
manada kurus tu. pandai bertapuk di belakang orang. muahahahhaha.
Nice nice nice pix!!! Nice nice sisters too :) so the very loving :)
How come your parents boleh "ter-dapat" that name Lyrice? Nice o. Her poses RAWR!!! :)
Just listened to "if we hold on together".... very nice song. Diana Ross :)
baru perasan...baju si kiris hahaa..!bandung mari muahaha..!
berabis bah aku terpikir apa itu tawala...salah kah si juvi tu?? isk....
itu skil bah mare...pandai kasi ilusion..!
kahkah. selalu rasa grateful jadi second daughter. abis kalau orang tanya bila mau kawin? selalu dapat extension of time dgn alasan, 'kakak sia pun bulum kawen bah". kahkah. that one and many more!
These pixs were taken during our family's photoshoot (during 1st day raya 2010). alahai, gambar2nya agak kelam kabut, makes me really2 want to buy a flash! si pare bilang, "tunggu, ada flash model baru akan keluar". wah, dengan harapan gwe bisa mengumpul duit yang cukup.
pong itu flash sudah keluar SB700 heheh ada kursus hujung minggu ni ..tp aku teda kawan mo p...hehehe..!!
org beraya korang pun mo posing adik beradik ah...!
nice song kan? i love that MAX.
hari 2, kami kasi donate baju2 yang tiak muat di badan sama c kiris. suka plak dia sama baju belubang2 c popong.
bah.. iyala..
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