there's no point in missing to read somebody's blog, when you are not even an invited reader. a point i should always remember. (i miss the blog all the same). i miss the ideas, the perspectives, because it broaden mine. my loss.
so, jen's laptop went kong too. and she suggested us to re-visit HCMC. all pictures taken there went missing. hard disk problem. i have to laugh a bit here and tease jen. nah.. kan, mana ko punya saranan sendiri buat copy?. my beloved pinky Dell went kong a week earlier.
so, all my notes and slide presentations went missing with the hard disk. been a really busy week for me, preparing (again) those notes. hence the hiatus in my blog post. and i wont post any pictures for a while (not in august). i'll elaborate later.
i'm on my new patchwork project (nearly completed 2). Mimi seems to get infected. she started her log cabin patch. me with my hexagons. about 480 hexies to go! and my patchwork project's fancy title "pink pant her". i'll post picture of completed material. according to my calculation, that'll be sometime in september.
i'll go missing from the virtual world next week. its another field work. which i am actually looking forward for. i miss being in the woods, walk in the rain, play with muds and not to think too much. lately, thinking too much lead me to miss somebody, i shouldnt. O crap! exactly my point!
the virus spread too fast la and macam mana bule sampai tmpt point is, my laptop king kong juga hari neh..yeahhh....tidak perlu buat kerja..jadi aku bule FB lama lama..ngiahahaha
does this means that we really need a break soon..!! memandang kan laptop smua king kong..! so kepada kengkawan yg belum dikingkong kan sila lah back up kan..!
mare..i did back up..cuba gambar saigon saja yg belum sempat...!!
nite! ko pun kena ka? astaga.. cepatnya.
u know what? pok pny comp pun went king kong last week. immediate after i got mine repaired. adakah ini maksudnya june benar2 sialan?
hahahahhaha.. mengenangkan nasib diriku..
iya..aku beli harddisk baru..mlm nanti baru format...
hemm...june is marvelous month..penuh ngan corak..hahaha
jom naik gunung...hehe
sy type june ka? astaga... july
bah i mean.
jom, bila?
july adalah antara bulan sialan...!! mesti ada virus2 ni... gunung kinabalu bulan 4 la...
ai..mcm ada org hntr berita naik gunung 3 disember ja...
alahai.. why la July sialan..its my birthmonth laaa!!!!
kihkih..aiyaa..selamat la, gwe tak ada laptop. haha! bah jom p naik gunung!
togou: ko p fieldwork ka? bila? bah lama suda sia mau join kan. boleh join ka?
kayau: juvi kah ni?
tiba2 si juvi jadi kayau...
apa kata kita pigi april tahun depan...! alang2 bah sya sama juvi mau p kk tu..sebab mau balik krismas (hehe alasan)
ya lah ni...
april tahun depan boleh..betul tu disember mo balik xmas ni..
bah kayau,
about time sdh ko buat blog kan? lepas tu kita berkomen-komen... hhahah.. ya, macam kami semangat mau pigi disember.
april pun boli juga. kalau sy ada kawan p disember pun boli juga... hahahha.. semangat ni!
buat apa ko mau p join? ni bukan p rumah panjang. but, klau ko pikir p tidur di balairaya orang sebagai holiday. bah mai la.. tis monday (02/08)
hahah lambat juga virus sampai tpt kamu? (menyampuk cerita). actually same thing happen here a few months ago. two of my friends hv to buy a new lappy. mine rusak dvd drive. we were talking about Iron Tiger gigit all the electronic equipment. (after i bought new hp my old hp rusak tiba2).
hi mell,
lama ko ilang..(macam bunyi tagalog pula tau)
beginilaini kita. kerosakan alat-alat elektronik yang menganggu hidup seharaian. (wah! skema jawapan sy). wb mell. good to know you're still alive.
joven. thanks.
was in KL last week and saw this Macbook pro....tapi harga...adeh....makan megi pun tia mampu suda kalau beli...uhuhuhu~
AngeL BeaR,
dont even mention it. rightly put about that megi stuff. kita orang biasa. adei..
ya...kukuanga..telah tiba masa buat blog untuk bagi2 komen..sbb ko punya blog x boleh bagi komen klu x jadi member;p
mungkin tiba masa ko kasi share ko punya blog sama kami juga bah juvi hehehe...!
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