Thursday, August 5, 2010

kasi tapai sama dia

i was googling for "TAPAI" (i was at POPULAR Bookstore last week and saw that ridiculous cover of Rais's book) to find the book review. my search lead me to this guy's blog and it's by far the coolest malay blog i've read (but then, i rarely bloghop). he blog in grammatically correct English. (duh!) and most importantly, his blog leads me to this group. (so, there's such group in Malaysia). aku hampir terkentut.

i will definitely get that TAPAI. and it is not especially because he refers to food akin to sex. i am so bloated. i need to kentut, or else. (in my utak: org dusun main rabus saja, main hantam-hantam kasi masuk dalam balanga saja- how will that stands in Rais's comparison to the technique?)

this week hot story: Popong successfully baked her first batch of muffins. thus, the spell of kek inda kambang finally, officially over. and i wrongfully, gave her, buttermilk compositions. sorry, aku mengantuk baitu, butterscotch bah pulak. ya. yoghurt, works fine. bah. congrats.

cik adeks: nampaknya penyakit kelupaan kita makin jangkit berjangkit. psssttt.. mau bincang bisnes bagus punya. now, i really need to kentut.

i'm beyond the age of farting jokes being funny (sepatutnyala). i teach chemistry, so, ya, i knew for fact that it's just nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide gases from our stomach to anus. but, i do think kentut as funny. funny haha.. not funny peculiar. merah muka si kawan tahan kentut. seriously funny.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and yes, please join the Malaysian forum at Goodreads. Malaysian bookworms do exist!

Naj AB said...

Hi! Do join us GRMY at Goodreads :) - you're already famous there. Khairul H. has posted about your blog post on us.

kukuanga said...

khairul H.,
cool blog you got there! serious.
and mighty glad, Malaysian bookworms do exist.

erm.. famous eh? (exactly the point of avoiding any group or forum, dont you think?)

thanks for the warm invitation.

kayau said...

wah,jadi member book club..bagus2..
Popong pandai masak muffin wah..semakin maju sekarang ;p

jenkays said...

uiyo..i miss you virtually mare...!kentut mengkentut ni membawa kelucuan di hati kdg2..

apa bisnes itu? i am up the point of willing to buka gerai nasi lemak.buka pagi2..lepas tu tido satu hari hehehe....

congrates pongs...kita hebats skrg sampai tahap membuat kueh2 sendiri hehee

kukuanga said...

belum member lagi la. baru mau consider. yg pasal maju tu juvi, erm... tidak berapa tau, itu kemajuan ka apa.

hahahhahah.. tiak taulah bisnes apa cik adek. apa ar? hahahah.. saja bikin gempak baitu.

miss you guys.

ppong said...

aiseymen. masuk ulatbuku pny club? wakaka..bah bagus laitu. hehe, ambushing sail's rumah last friday n found "tuesday with Morrie" (itu budak banyak buku pula), is reading it now, baru sampai chapter dorang cerita pasal death.

Jen n Juvi: akakakah..muffins masih dalam tempoh percubaan. Tapi rupanya baking mimang bikin orang hepi. huhu

kukuanga said...

not yet a member la. huge difference itu, being a member and considering on becoming a member. why not juga join kan? kasi tapai tu idea dulu

c sail, habis2 dia suru c kiris baca buku c paulo coelho.. (he bought her the alchemist)(aku inda approve bah sama itu author) i have his 'like the flowing river' and 'by the river piedra..'. i disagree with his fundamental idea. c sail suka berabis. risau juga sy! unguided mind..

nanti ko kasi bake sy muffin. 27/08. National day and Hari Raya. selamat berpuasa.