Sunday, November 1, 2009

trip 1- kelantan

a quick updates. October was a busy month for me. a few series of trips, and plans for future trips. which can only leads to an emptier pockets. but, i had fun. looking forward for more blasts of fun next year! kaibigans?

ok. here goes... the trip to Kelantan. Thank you Jane, Fread, Dawn, Viossi and Niko. next time we stay in Tumpat ya. i need to go jogging around all those beautiful Wats. btw, its way nearer to Pengkalan Kubur, nearer to cheap Pistachios, biji ketereh, Corelle, Tefal, Supor, Luminarc..

main reason for me being there, was to witness a dear friend's wedding. Congratulation Mie!

and aktiviti sampingan...

makai..(and no.. she's just a model. we ate the food with her. and.. its almost midnight when we proceed to this ritual.)

(the model's muka cuak makan lewat malam.. hahahhaha!)

sweet sticky kuih-muih (Fread, aku tau ko rasa-rasa macam mau cari air kosong ni sekarang)

these were actually taken in KL. at my new, favourite place to membantai.

thank you kaibigans.. again for, the good time we've had.


jenkays said...

my bad..p wedding mimie tidak pulak ambil gambar pelamin..tapi ambil gambar makanan dia saja hahaha....
can't wait for out next kelantan trip..!sebab kali ni mo ambil gambar byk2 instead of makan byk2...
mesti lah model muka cuak...sudah tido tapi boleh terdengar org mau makan terus auto pilot jump dari katil terus p makan!!...sheeshhh..when i am with my kabigans FOOD is the main thing...!

aku model..model nasi kerabu..

kukuanga said...

actually kan model, banyak lagi gambar lho yg lebih cakep gitu. tapi, ini yang bring back memories dengan begitu jitu... heee..

bah. bila lagi mau pigi ni?

btw, whose the along for Jakarta?

jenkays said...

kita lantik adik loh lah..! dia kan neutral..kenal smua org...aku mo lantik diri sendiri jadi ajk hiburan wakakakka..!!bisa enggak..?

kukuanga said...

kalo gituan, bilangin sama itu adik..
waduh.. boli kasi upfront rp 5000 dl ka? bp RM tu ar?

any idea on the conversion factor?

jenkays said...

sekarang 0.350 =100rupiah
so that means ko mo upfront RM10 saja wakakakakkaka

kukuanga said...

apa pny pelancong.. sengkek!

jenkays said...

namanya pelancong berlagak...!sengkek2 pun ada tiket sudah blasah saja...!!