Thursday, April 23, 2009

put together

i saw a house by the water in a bog area of Limbang and wish, (to the point of crying) to have a home like that. practically, it's the worse area to live by in tropical climate: 1. bugs! (think Filariasis, dengue, malaria.. etc) 2. snakes, lizards 3. water level. 4. maintanence of the house, costly! (damp area? high humidity?). but, still.. i think it's liveable and interesting.

i am starting collecting ideas for my dream house. (iyaaaa la..)


jenkays said...

start designing and saving now geng...!! i know one day you'll built a dream house of your own...!!! GANBATEE...

aku rindu bangat sama lu org lah!!

kukuanga said...

ya! mesti berusaha!