Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You Know I'm No Good

Tis' my favourite song of Amy Winehouse. You Know I'm No Good. she's quirky, super talented singer.

Amy Winehouse. RIP.

Who in the end, ended it all in a pathetic closure. But, lets not dwell on that. Her short life was a gift to us, who enjoy good music. her voice on loan to us, lets appreciate that. she had her shot in life. maybe, in her own way, she had it well. maybe.

life is short.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Funny Foochow guy

we received our new intakes on july, 1st. then, straight to Matang Wildlife for 5 days of orientation. that's the reason for my recent 'no update'. i was away, facilitating the program.

One of our college tradition is to learn a 'chant' Guri-Guri Cha' Cha' (its a dance-chanting coordination challange). and the wording is gibberish.

Guri-Guri Cha Cha
Yam Yam Cha Cha
Teleng Teleng Cha Cha

Guri Cha, Yam Cha, Teleng Cha

a chinese guy from Bintangor failed his chanting test. he chanted:

Guli Guli Cha Chat
Yang Yang Cha Chat
Peleng peleng Cha Chat

Guli chat, Yang Chat, Peleng Chat.

and how can i get mad when in all honesty, he believed he did it right?

he said "ampung tuangku belibu-libu ampung, kami menghadap tuang putli bawang melah, bawang putih, bawang besi, bawang bakung, bawang goling kliuk kliuk galing".

and i have no idea if the other student purposely said "Ampun tuanku beribu-ribu ampun, kami menghadap tuan puteri bawang merah, bawang putih, bawang besar, bawang bakung, bawang goreng, kromp pram pre" (in a very convincing thai)

a guy was in a seminary school and asked for the Bishop to relieve him for two years to complete his certificate program. a girl was in a trial to become a nun and leave for her diploma. let's see what'll become of them. i have yet to find my favourite. none so far.