Sunday, January 4, 2009

back to my old desk

life's getting more interesting.. 145 new students (60 PKA). Our new building is not ready yet, so we have to place them some 6 miles away from our main campus. they will stay at RCBM hostel (and.. since RCBM only have one hall- it's a hospital after all, not a training institution, we have to beg KSKB for a hall for our 85 PPKP). KSKB is about 6.5 miles away from KKAK (our main campus)... i have yet to see the new class schedule(s)

conclusion: 7 classes at 3 different places, 3 core subjects
can't wait to buli all those budaks

PKA = pembantu kesihatan awam
RCBM = Rajah Charles Brooke Memorial Hospital
KSKB = Kolej sains kesihatan bersekutu
PPKP = Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran
KKAK= kolej kesihatan awam Kuching



jenkays said...

wat an interesting schedule you have in store this sem...byk-2 berjalan d sekitar kuching lah tu hehehhee

kukuanga said...

apa mau jalan jen.. u know the jalan to Borneo Heights bah kan? KSKB is about 6.5 miles away from batu 7 (kota sentosa yg terkenal dengan kasam babi)

i try to be positive bah ni jen..

Vitty Fung said...

wow... sis.. semoga gembira mengajar :)yeah.. owez b positive.. :).. btw, sioknya jalan2 hehe..

kukuanga said...

dei... mana ada siok tu V. panat terkejar-kejar. sana sini.

jenkays said...

maybe it's time to take over the wheels lah togous....hehehe...sory lah lama tia balik kuching bah sudah mau masuk 2 tahun hehehe..lupa sudah jalan sana...!!!

kukuanga said...

ok.. u are forgiven. after all, u r not a kuching(ite) heeee... (adakah tu?) bah... jomlah... pigi mandi sana anna rais (hot spring).. or better, kita pigi main golf sana di Borneo Heights (ahaks!)

jenkays said...

aisey gou..ko ni bawa aku p aktviti lasak balik kuching utk makan ja lah hahaha..!!!miss kuching food!!!!!! uii ko tia tau kah kuchingite sangat kuat sana hehee

kukuanga said...

hahahhahah!.. itu pun ko mau cakap lasak kah jen? bukan ko mau pigi tempat utk menggambar? ahhh... kuchingites!

jenkays said...

ada sesi bergambar juga sana but 1 hour saja...lepas tu aku mau makan n makan di sana wakakaka...2 tahun bah tia balik kuching ni !!!